by Brook McCarthy | Mar 15, 2016 | Communication, Creativity, Thought leadership
Hey non-writer! I see you. Hiding behind your retweets and regrams. Sweating over your social media updates. Rushing out emails quick smart, with narry a re-read in sight. I see you. I know you don’t like writing. Because you don’t like being misunderstood. You don’t...
by Brook McCarthy | Jan 12, 2016 | Branding, Entrepreneurism, Thought leadership
Over the last eight years, I’ve worked almost exclusively with people who love what they do and identify strongly with their work. People who become self-employed not because they want to earn a million dollars annually and enjoy homes on every continent, but because...
by Brook McCarthy | Jun 15, 2015 | Entrepreneurism, Thought leadership
Exercise and I have a vexed relationship. I don’t like to sweat and when my heart-rate rises, I’m sure it’s bad for me and I slow down immediately. Now I’m on the wrong side of 30, my vanity is flourishing and I’ve joined the gym. Walking through it during a busy...
by Brook McCarthy | Apr 21, 2015 | Branding, Communication, Thought leadership
We humans have an almost-pathological fear of being wrong. This is particularly bizarre with decisions that will likely have next-to-no dire consequences. The worst that may happen is a loss of face. And this is typically overblown too – because, of course, most...
by Brook McCarthy | Nov 13, 2014 | Branding, Communication, Creativity, Thought leadership
Everything nowadays is super-sized. We don’t become musicians; we win Idol. We don’t sell a hundred albums; we go platinum. We don’t parent anymore; we blog about it in minute detail. We don’t just discipline our children; we follow a parenting philosophy of a New...
by Brook McCarthy | Aug 27, 2014 | Communication, Thought leadership
I led small tour groups across south-east Asia for two years in my early twenties. In this ‘lessons from the road’ series, I share my lessons from the road that apply to being self-employed. Creatures of comfort Most of us believe we are creatures of comfort – we like...