One-page marketing plan

One-page marketing plan

Humans have a tendency to complicate matters. I’ve found this tends to accompany procrastination. We think ourselves into complexity and then use this complexity as a reason not to take action, because we believe we have an equation that needs figuring before action...

Netiquette: Twitter

Manners and ettiquette in the age of social media are sticky business. We boldly go where no pixel has gone before and, like all new endeavours, for a time things are, well, awkward. (Yes, I’m talking about Facebook). Netiquette is simpler on Twitter. Except that, for...

How to get rebookings

It costs five times more to attract new clients than to keep existing clients according to common wisdom on this subject. Many market research companies cite figures far higher. Further, existing clients are far more profitable than new clients. You likely know this...

What a truckie taught me about rage

The man stood in the middle of the road, dwarfed by a truck towering over him. He’d appeared out of nowhere, hands aloft, demanding the truck to stop. It was a sticky, sunny summer day. I was in one of those big city moods that come when driving, negotiating traffic...