Are you over the stories you tell yourself? Are you bursting with start energy? Rip raring to go?


Whatever you do, don’t get bogged down and become overwhelmed and frustrated. Because this quickly slides into procrastinating.

Then the procrastinating needs to be justified so all your energies go into weaving elaborate stories as to why:

  • It’s not a good time
  • You don’t have enough time
  • There’s someone already doing it
  • You need to do something else first
  • That thing you need to do first needs something else done first before it can get done
  • What did I need to do again?
  • My husband’s father’s girlfriend’s children said it wasn’t a good idea
  • I’ve got to feel confident before I get started.

Stop with the stories

Don’t get distracted by the elaborate, sophisticated, hi-tech, expensive solutions that someone, somewhere in cyberspace said were essential. You don’t need further training. You don’t need to change your business name, your website, your logo, at least not yet. Remember, these things can be distraction techniques.

Don’t worry about the connections in high places that you feel are fundamental to the project’s success.

Start with simple. Start with the elegantly straightforward, within-reach solutions. Call people you know already, ask your network to put you in touch with people. Approach businesses that are all within two kilometres of where you are now.

Start today. Start where you are.

Need a loving kick-up-the-arse? Then check out Hustle & Heart group program.