All businesses are built on this

Regardless of whether you’re a yoga teacher, a graphic designer, a lawyer or a professional clown, your business bucks comes from these three factors: Leads (people interested in what you do/sell) Conversion (your ability to take those leads and compel them to...

How I blog

Ideas often land when I’m in the shower. Something about the rhythmic sound and feel of the water, the cocoon of heat and steam, makes this fertile ground for inspiration. I also get ideas for blog posts when I’m walking or doing any activity that doesn’t require my...

Why ‘follow your passion’ is bunkum: part 2

A revolution in passion-based businesses is sweeping the globe. From Sydney to San Fran, Berlin to Bath, Istanbul to Ibiza, people are dropping off the corporate ladder climb to craft a living out of their passion – a 21st century equivalent of the 70s’ edict ‘Tune...

Why ‘follow your passion’ is bunkum

“Follow your passion” has become a modern day mantra, one I’ve repeated countless times. But following your passion isn’t enough to create a business. I am passionate about many things – my family, travel, women’s rights and children’s rights. I also love Mad Men,...

Seeking relevance

Relevance is massively important in communication. Whenever we see or hear anything, in a split second, we unconsciously scan it for relevance. Does this resonate? Is this meant for me? Can I use this? Bridging the distance between them and us When communicating with...