
Greenies’ guide to marketing

My greenies' guide to marketing takes the old adage of ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’ and applies it to marketing your business. Being a conscious consumer doesn’t only apply to tangible goods either, but to offerings and ideas that we’ve perhaps dismissed because they...

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Romancing the cave

Romancing the cave

My career aspirations following high school were to find a cave and figure it all out. By “all” I mean the whole kit-and-caboodle: why are we here? What’s the meaning of life? How can I best serve? Is there a God? If so, where can I meet him or her? I had high...

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Brook McCarthy is a writer, speaker, trainer and business coach with 18+ years’ experience in communications. Brook enables leaders and organisations to magnify their impact. When you build your brand, grow your reputation and enhance your credibility, you can do your best work. Brook is located in Sydney, Australia when she’s not off galavanting around somewhere.

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