The fight for willpower

The fight for willpower

Exercise and I have a vexed relationship. I don’t like to sweat and when my heart-rate rises, I’m sure it’s bad for me and I slow down immediately. Now I’m on the wrong side of 30, my vanity is flourishing and I’ve joined the gym. Walking through it during a busy...
Gifts from our competitors

Gifts from our competitors

Many of us have a vexed relationship with our business competitors, whether or not we actually know them. With one eye trained on our competitors, stalking them online or listening out for gossip from mutual acquaintances, it’s exhausting business. For many, it’s not...
On being wrong

On being wrong

We humans have an almost-pathological fear of being wrong. This is particularly bizarre with decisions that will likely have next-to-no dire consequences. The worst that may happen is a loss of face. And this is typically overblown too – because, of course, most...

Greenies’ guide to marketing

My greenies’ guide to marketing takes the old adage of ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’ and applies it to marketing your business. Being a conscious consumer doesn’t only apply to tangible goods either, but to offerings and ideas that we’ve perhaps dismissed because...