by Brook McCarthy | Jul 16, 2015 | Creativity, Entrepreneurism, Money
Publishing your sales page for a digital product before you actually create it makes smart business sense. It’s particularly relevant to self-employed and small business owners simply because we don’t have the resources to dedicate to creating digital products and the...
by Brook McCarthy | Jul 1, 2015 | Branding, Money
Some time ago, a friend called me to ask how much she should charge for a particular service. I told her a figure that I not only thought was “reasonable” (meaning mid-range) but also knew from experience was pretty common. She got angry at me, spluttering that “I...
by Brook McCarthy | Oct 22, 2014 | Communication, Money
Early bird discounts can make the difference in an event being a raging success or an expensive failure. Used skillfully, they halve the stress of running an event, make organising far easier, and enable people to save money while making your event more profitable....
by Brook McCarthy | Jul 1, 2014 | Entrepreneurism, Money
If you run your own business, nobody else is going to initiate a business review except you. Regardless of your business particulars, here’s how to do your own business review. Get out a pad and pen, or crack open a new document. Yes, I’m talking to you. Just like...
by Brook McCarthy | Jul 5, 2013 | Branding, Entrepreneurism, Money
I’m over seeing alternative and natural therapies languishing in the sidelines. Too often we stay small, broke and marginal, because we play small in business. Who does it serve when we stay small in business? Our best clients are waiting for us to step up so they can...
by Brook McCarthy | May 24, 2013 | Entrepreneurism, Money, Thought leadership
We all want convenience. We want everything that we want to be immediately accessible, at our fingertips, open 24 hours a day. The convenience of always-on technology, disposable products, immediate gratification and silver bullets for everything is our new normal. In...